Saturday, December 11, 2010

The New Orleans Eat Local Challenge

For the month of June 2011, The Nolalocavores will be putting on the 1st Annual New Orleans Eat Local Challenge.  For 30 days participants will challenge themselves to eat only food that was grown or caught within 200 miles of New Orleans . Each participant can choose between three levels of strictness, the Ultrastrict , the Bienville Rule, or the Wild Card. For more information on the rules and guidelines see  the rules pages above.  Partiicpants will be regulating themselves based on the honor system.  For information on what you food qualifies and where you can find it, go to the local food resources guide page.

There will be a $20 dollar registration fee to enter the contest.  All entrants will receive an "Eat Local Challenge 2011" t-shirt, the starter resource guide to finding local products and a 10% discount on locally grown produce at the Hollygrove Market and Farm during the challenge.  All entrants will also receive an invitation to the finale party on Friday July 1st.  The last day to sign up will be May 22nd at the 3rd Annual NOLA Veggie Fest.  All challengers will be given a log-in i.d. upon signing up that will allow you full access to the blog during the challenge.   On the blog three  locavore recipes will be posted daily. You are also encouraged to post your own recipes and your "discoveries" about local products.  For the week leading up to the challenge, challengers can stop by and pick up their T-shirt, their log in id and, and a free pint of locally harvested salt.  Trading of secrets and produce is allowed. The challenge is part scavenger hunt, part healthy living advocacy and part  local economic investment.  This will be a learning experience for all.   

Sign Up For The Challenge Here

1 comment:

  1. I am really excited! Can't wait..was is the discount received at Hollygrove?
